Suite #2009
303 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10016
"Thank you for a marvelous trip. I have been your greatest marketer since I've been back. You did everything with such efficiency, taste, attention to detail. [Your guide] is a wonder. What was special about the trip which will remain in my memory as one of the best trips abroad I ever had, were using all the people of different classes and backgrounds working in sync with each other. And believe me I've had some great ones [around the world]. I was a little skeptical about India before I went but it was "amazing". My favorite contrast was experiencing the glorious temples and tombs while having [time] in the village and surrounding farms to get a sense of another India. It really came to my mind how different the urban educated [are] from the villagers and farmers. All different from the shopkeepers and the marketers as well. So I feel I had an experience of the real India, in particular Rajastan.
Thanks again and I will attach some pictures."
Barry R, Brooklyn
"Jim and I would like to thank you for what was nothing short of a life-changing trip to India. Because of...Royal Raj we saw India the way it should be seen: up close. Our rural encounters were the highlights of the trip and of course having...our guide was outstanding". Joanne W., Toronto
"Royal Raj delivered an exciting, stimulating glimpse of India. There was never a dull day, never a day when we didn't meet someone interesting, never a day when we didn't learn something new! The trip was enhanced by stays in unique, top notch establishments, but what really made the difference was the passion of the Royal Raj staff and the quality and intelligence of their guides." Frederica S., NYC
"Our time in India was absolutely magical. I can't even say what I liked best. The whole package was perfect from the educational excursions to the shopping. One experience I really enjoyed was the block printing. Could have stayed for hours and gone back for more the next day. [We met] wonderful people, kind, soft spoken, polite and beautiful". Janet B., Southampton
"To fully appreciate the “Incredibleness ” of India, one should travel this beautiful country with Royal Raj Encounters. The principals of the RRE are passionate about transferring their understanding and love of the country to their journeymen. It is truly a beautiful adventure in a gorgeous country. You will be filled with glorious historic sites, beautiful palace hotels and Havellis, wonderful old and new stories of princesses and maharajas, AMAZING SHOPPING, and best of all, the KINDEST most sincere people in this world. Looking forward to visiting again and again with RRE.". Elaine P, Westchester, NY
We can't thank you enough for...making our trip to India the adventure of a lifetime: camel rides, Maharaja tent hotel, fabric printing, the mountain train ride through monkey-filled forests...dress-up-time with saris, close up encounters with rural artisans, shepherds, and farmers manning ox-driven water wheels, and of course our visit to the rural school filled with such beaming and beautiful students! This is before we even mention the extremely interesting and awe inspiring palaces, temples, historic sites, astronomical measurement structures, exotic and ubiquitous animals (peacocks, camels, elephants and again, monkeys) and the beautiful landscapes along the way. We couldn't have asked for better, sweeter, or more interesting guides...or for more seamless airport arrivals and departures...again, our ineffable gratitude, Warmly, Brenda and Reid S, Claremont, CA